Friday, August 19, 2011

Taco Salad

For those of us who is working on a budget, we all know how making tacos for dinner can get a little pricey. If your anything like me, when you get the craving for tacos. NOTHING can stand in its place...
Yes, there are many different ways to make taco salad. I'm sure you can even find the way I made it somewhere on the internet.
Well, here is my way of making this yummi Taco Salad.

Ok, here we go...
Taco Salad

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Snail Mail

Yesterday I worked 9am-4:30pm, (it was the same ol' boring day of work.) when I got off work I went and picked my friend Jenni up to stay the night with me. When I got home, my husband was cleaning the kitchen and getting things ready to cook dinner. Yes, I'm one of the lucky ones that got a husband that actually likes to cook :) I asked Jason if he checked the mail when he got home and he said the mail was on the table. So I went over there to look through it and he stopped me and told me to close my eyes.

So I did, when he told me to open them he was holding a very awesome POSTCARD
 from a very amazing girl (Erin Dawn - My Beautiful Disaster)  I met through blogging!!! I was so excited, I have been talking about and waiting on it to come in the mail. I'm still excited over it, I have it hanging on my fridge right now!

I've been meaning to send her the postcard I have for her, but I anytime I say I need to go to the post office... it just never happens. So this weekend I will make it to the post office and I will send this postcard out if it's the last thing I do!!!

Have you gotten anything interesting or fun in the wonderful world of snail mail???

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tutorial: Glass Magnets

I just recently discovered a fun, easy and quick craft on how to make little glass magnets using glass pebbles.
I'm going to share with you all on how to make them as well.

Before we start, you will need just a few little bit of supplies, which are -
Paper (I use scrapbook paper)
Glass Pebbles 
Mod Podge
Hot Glue Gun (Super Glue work too)
Small round Magnets

Ok now that we have everything,  here is how you make them!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have been doing my best to look up different lizards so I can share with everyone and give them an idea of what this stupid thing looked like. Finally, after much google-ling and searching I have found the closest looking lizard. As explained that as it grows bigger and older their stripes form out more. Now this is where my storie begins...

As some of you would know. I am deathly scared of reptiles... I don't know why, but just seeing them sends chills down my spine and sends me into shock at times...

Yesterday, I had to work 9am-5:30pm. at 3 I took my last break. I go outside and usually sit in this little conner because its always shaded from the sun. When I turned the conner I just happened to look to my left and there it was... Godzilla! Running along the side of the building towards my shaded conner. I froze and stared... I got on the walkie and asked a co-worker to switch to channel 2. I then asked him if there was any poisonous lizards down here. He told me not any that would be in front of the building. I then started explaining to him what the lizard looked like.
Only picture I could find was of a baby.
But at least you get an idea of what it looks like.
 (About 8" long and about 1" - 1 1/2" wide. Dark with a BRIGHT red and yellow stripes on its neck and down its belly.)
It turned and started to charge at me. Of course me being me I freaked out and walked very quickly away from it and when I stopped and turned around to look and see if it was still coming at me. It had stopped and was just 'staring' at me. I say this because I was a good 10 feet away from it. When I decided that I was just going to stand in the sun away from it. I made a huge look around it to stay away from it. I watched it turn it's head and follow my ever move. Right when I leaned against the buiding the lizard turned and ran towards me again!  Again I freak out and ran away from it, only think time I just went to the other side of the building so I could try to enjoy my break in peace without Godzilla. When it was time for me to go back inside I was looking everywhere to make sure it wasn't going to jump out and eat me but seen no trace of it. Thank goodness! I got inside and told my co-worker what had just happened and he started to laugh saying I was just stalked by a lizard.

Later on after I got home and told my husband about it I decided I was going to try and find a picture of it to show him. So I have to brave looking at gross lizard pictures. With of course snake pictures popping up which is my number one fear. I hate them and say they ALL need to just die. I gave up and went to bed. After I woke up I was still annoyed that I hadn't found out what kind it was. Then finally I found a site on google that helped me narrow it down. The closest I have seen is the "Northern Coal Skink."   Now that I have found it or close to it I can finally rest easy.