Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In With The New

Finally I have found a design that I enjoy!
With Autumn just around the corner I figured why not make a warm and cozy layout. Took me a bit longer than I wanted with work and everything else taking up all my time. I'm still trying to figure out how to get in a 'me' time slot to be able to just sit back and relax, do some crafts.
Speaking of crafts, I have some really great ideas floating around. I have sat down and made some pretty/cool things that I'm very proud of. *The pictures are below* I am planning on making tutorials for all of it. I have all the pictures for it, I just need to get them all on my laptop and uploaded. I'm shooting to have some up tomorrow on my *!*DAY OFF*!*

For now, I hope you enjoy the new design, and look back for more updates :)

Green Stones and Sea Shells Picture Frame
Story Telling Canvas

Fun way to decorate a Glass Picture Frame
Old scraps made into a Canvas Creation


  1. Wow I love these, especially the story telling canvas. I'm new to the blogging world and I thought i'd say howdy dooo! I'm also following you now. looking forward to your future posts.

  2. Thank you! So glad to have a new comer :)
